
Soar like birds… Disability gliding at its best!

You can donate in either of the following ways. Remember, if you pay tax you can use Gift Aid to increase the value of your donation:

  • By Bank Transfer to ‘Walking on Air’, sort code 80-16-79, account 00223242
  • Send a cheque payable to ‘Walking on Air’ c/o the Scottish Gliding Union, Portmoak Airfield, Scotlandwell, KINROSS, KY13 9JJ

You can download our Gift Aid from as a PDF or as a Word Document.

Pooley’s Discount
Pooley's Logo
Donation from Pooleys, with Dave T and Colin
Donation from Pooleys, with Dave T and Colin

We are a Scottish Registered Charity, SC025350. We rely on the generosity of our sponsors and donors to make disability gliding available to all. If you can help, please visit our donations page.

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